The national team of Germany reached Khabarovsk

The participants of the Bandy World Championship continue to arrive in Khabarovsk. Today the German national team flew to the city and they will play in Group “A” for the second time in their history.
According to Dmitry Fihter, the coach of the national team, the team had a good flight, but the players got tired after the long way. After the coaches estimate the physical condition of the athletes, they will make the decision on the first training. The team members live in different cities of Germany, so the whole team gathered almost for the first time.
Asked about the story with doping drug and the suspension of Russian athletes from the participation in the Olympic Games, Hauke Sander, the midfielder of the German national team replied that Bandy is not the game where the drugs will help.
“The technique, the skills of the players, the teamwork are more important. I do not think that we will have to face the evil game and athletes, " - said Hauke Sander.
Video of the team's arrival and interviews with its representatives are in the Bandy stream section.